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Re: Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here

It's not the same old song and dance! This is a new source. It's additional confirmation by a public official. One whose job it was to research and verify exactly that type of information. One from Hawaii!!! He had access to identity information, as stated in the article. Obama isn't able to produce what doesn't exist! No doctor, no hospital documentation, no witness visiting in the hospital or afterwords at home. No pictures of the new baby Obama in the hospital or at home in Hawaii! Nothing!!!!!

Obama is a fraud. Anyone that has objectively studied this matter would come to only one conclusion. With all of the compelling evidence existing that he was born in Kenya, someone would have to truly have blinders on to deny it. There isn't a single concrete piece of evidence that shows he was born in Hawaii. The (after the fact) computer generated COLB isn't worth the paper it's printed on. If he was actually born in Hawaii, he would of shown a long form birth certificate or hospital records a long time ago. Only those in denial think otherwise!
This is posting #305244. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here by sweatforhire
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here sweatforhire 6/11/2010 7:00:12 PM
Re: Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here Polehiker 6/11/2010 6:58:47 PM