I have done both IPTV and standard HFC from a design and engineering standpoint. My question to you would be more about your cable system you own. If you have a modern, strong HFC system, and just looking to increase bandwidth capabilities, would it not be better to look into some type of Switched Digital platform and Docsis 3? I know it's higher costs on the backoffice side, but no real changes will be needed from the field perspective.
If it's an older system, very heavy on amp cascades and 550MHz or so, then I would say bite the bullet and upgrade the platform to a FTTx, and then make your choice.
The IPTV question is yours to answer, as far as where you want to deploy your cost. No argument from me that most everything will eventually be FTTx based IPTV systems, but I don't see a full conversion for everyone for MANY more years. IPTV will be cheaper on the back office side, but the cost of replacing all of the customers' coax outlets most of the time outweighs the savings on the backoffice piece. I would not put my faith in wireless IPTV boxes yet. They still have some proofing to do in my opinion.
Good luck with your decision and venture! I hope it all works out for you.
Re: Iptv
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Mark Ogletree
Mark Ogletree
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Anything and everything cable
Raleigh, NC
This is CABL.com posting #303767. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbrbD
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