Yeah, and a lid was $40.00 and a nickle bag was $5.00, cig's were .37 cents a pack and gas was 68 cents a gallon. and my Dad made $35,000.00 a year then and wants to know why i can't save more money? Gee,I dunno, maybe cause i pay three times more a month in cigarettes than he did a mortgage? my phone bill is $80.00 more a month than his truck payment. I'm outta here, i'm startin to get pissed off!! Fuckin Government thievin bastards!! And Trey come on and tell me how we pay the lowest taxes today than ever in our history? Oh lord won't ya buy me a mercedes benz. Sweat for smell prolly never paid taxes in his life but at least he can hold his head up and say he got it "dishonest" When ya grow up watchin Daddy walk down and carry Government cheese back to the house i guess it rubs off on ya and you know no other way than to use the system for your own sorry ass. What the hell's this got to do with salt anyway? Oh yeah, i heard the government might start givin it away free, that way Sweaty balls can teach his kids the proper way to work the system, teach em right though sweaty ass, make em carry their own, wouldn't want to create a bunch a inbred lazy bastards eh?

and i mean give it to me, i aint buyin it!!

i'm a loooww life!!!