About 8 or 9 years ago, I worked in a small cable system for Charter Comm. They decided to install sats in areas that didn't have cable. I was chosen to be the one to install them and since I installed them, therefore, serviced them.
Had a trouble call one day and when I arrived, quickly noticed that the problem was that the pole had been ran into by something because it was bent halfway to the ground. Ask the customer how this had happened and he stated that the guy installed it that way.
On another service call, customer complaining of no service, drove up and noticed a coat hanging on the sat covering the lnb. Took it off before knocking. Went inside, customer turned on the tv to show me a black screen, and when she did, there was a pitcure. She said "It always works when someone shows up." I gave her the coat and told her where I found it.