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Re: Arizona governor has the biggest balls of all

That's just the problem Sweat. you think all they are doing is pulling over and checking latinos. I don't have to move anywhere. I don't think a secure border is too much to ask either. They are not pulling anyone over they normally wouldn't in their job as a cop. Speeding, drunk driving. When they do, they will find people who don't speak english, one sign that they are not US citizens. You see when you take your citizen test, english is one of the things you need to know. How else can you read road signs to have a US license? another thing will be fake licenses. So you go ahead and be all pissed off for something you don't even know is happening and have decided for the police is happening. You are mad about nothing except a state, and others to follow, enforcing LAWS that the federal gov won't. Federal laws that aren't being enforced. Haitians are coming in through the east coast. Others are coming in through other ports in the US. It isn't just the Mexicans. And people protesting for people who are breaking the law are the ones that should go somewhere else. So don't tell me to leave, And if a police pulls me over, he asks me for ID. A DRIVERS LICENSE!! I guess you think if someone is Latino they shouldn't be asked for ID in a traffic stop. Get real. No one is ID'ing all the people who look mexican. No one. You are making that up and so are the protesters. I guess it is ok for some to protest but not the conservatives.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Arizona governor has the biggest balls of all by sweatforhire
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