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Re: And here it is

No matter which way any of you want to argue, the blaring truth is that the working men and women of this country who earn above the poverty level (lower middle class, middle class, and some upper middle class) are going to have the living shit kicked out of them financially. This decade will see a mass exodus of families from the states with already high property, income, and sales taxes, to areas with lower taxes and more moderate climates. NY is already broke and the proof is they have to defer tax refunds till they collect some more. But then what happens as the base of taxpayers start to decline because they can't afford the taxes, how long do they defer then ??

How long, and how much more do we have to take before our paychecks see 50% or more of the money we labor for going to support our broken government and those that leach off of it ?  Bottom line is the federal government is on a spending spree with money they don't have, and their primary if not only source of income are the taxes we pay. Not collecting enough taxes to cover the bills, create new taxes, raise the taxes on items the general population needs to survive. Go into the health insurance business and collect, no enforce premium payments using the IRS. The amounts we pay in taxes now already come close to the 50% mark if you tie in the money we pay to school and property taxes, gas, booze, tobacco, sales tax on top of the other taxes, and in some instances, tax on tax. How much does one want to bet that the day will come when individual tax refunds are completely eliminated.

The topic of conversation should not be "Is Obama the antichrist" but rather how the hell do we band together and end the insanity.  Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And by that I mean study history, and not just our history because that is a very short time line when compared to other nations and empires that have risen and fallen, and even tried the same ideas that our government is force feeding us today, only to end up in complete failure.

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Posted in reply to: Re: And here it is by Trey9007
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