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Re: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

The one thing the birthers continue to ignore is the fact that The People have no right to demand a POTUS's birth certificate, or any other personal document.

When Obama became a Senator, his credentials were verified by these guys  (see (1) D & E ).  When you become a Senator, your Presidential eligibilty is examined, because as an elected Senator, it's possible you can become President.  Remember, the President pro tempore is 3rd, in the line of Presidential succession.  The Senate can elect any member of the Senate to be President pro tempore.  Therefore, every Senator's credentials are examined when they enter the Senate.  Someone who is not eligible to become President can still be elected Senate pro tempore.  If the line of succession came to them, they would simply be skipped.  As a matter of national security,  every Senator and their credentials are vetted. The People elected everyone on that committe. But thats just about all the say The People have in the matter.

The People have every right to elect the people who are in charge of checking credentials.  The Constitution does not make a POTUS's credentials public record.  It never has.  Maybe the laws should be changed.  But as of right now, birthers have no right to examine anyones credentials.  The leaders of the birther movement know this.  But they also know that the people stupid enough to follow their movement, don't know these things.  They know these people can be made to believe that a POTUS not doing something, that the law says he doesn't have to do, is somehow a violation of the law. Thats the kind of people who buy into to this stuff.

Obama has released his BC on his own.  Birthers actually called it a fake.  Just goes to show, no matter what yo do.  People will find something to complain about.
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Posted in reply to: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve? by sdelnay
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Re: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve? sdelnay 4/19/2010 12:10:16 AM