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Where did the jobs go

Hi, I was just hoping i could get some feed back from a few more experienced techs. I'm a newb. I recently got out of home theater to try comcast installations. I got a job with a company that seems to be straight. They're good guys and pretty professional out there. But a few weeks into it, the number of jobs issued was cut by a third and then it happened again. Over the coarse of a very short time i watched these guys go from having 90+ a day to averaging in the 40s. Should that worry me, especially since, I'm kinda on the bottom of the ladder right now. I mean i got a kid, if i gotta go hustle some more work thats cool, but nobody seems to know whats up.
This is posting #299641. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Where did the jobs go? The real anser up2oneghz 4/15/2010 5:00:06 PM
Re: Where did the jobs go PantherFan 4/15/2010 1:01:18 AM
Re: Where did the jobs go LocoDawg 4/14/2010 10:05:26 PM
Re: Where did the jobs go JDylan 4/14/2010 5:17:34 PM
Re: Where did the jobs go Splicer Life 4me 4/14/2010 4:54:27 PM