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Re: Open Letter to Conservatives (and wanna be con

Hey trey being one sided is not good The dem are one sided and so are the republicans. Each side feels what they say is right and there actions will fix the world, Well the republicans had 8 years and we are 1 year into the democratic Turn and we will see how that works out. See this world the country this Cabl Bar has a problem with the truth and it is true the truth hurts, So when something comes out that people don't like then the person that reported it is a lier or people get mad and start calling names and  then start a personal attack on people. The crazy thing is while we the American people fight with each other these same people that sling shit while in a interview on the news or where ever the public can see them these people are friends after the camera is turned off and when will we see that. Now this health care bill,  Is it perfect No Hell no and i will give one example. Let's say i am broke and can't afford health care and i choose not to get the insurance I will get fined by the IRS because i don't want a Product i can't afford and feel i don't need, Now on the other had i hear people say the Government is over stepping buy forcing people to buy this and i agree, But what is the difference in Car insurance, In some states you can go to jail it is law to purchase car insurance and in NYC the rates are through the roof, My point is this bill is not perfect and there is a lot of problems with it, But and there is a Big but the Dem's tried to do something about it and not let it sit around for another 100 years. I also hear people asking how it would be paid for and that is a Valid question, But i would like to know how in the hell are we paying for a 3 trillion dollar war  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
 This link is one that was talked about in 2007 The Washington Post Now another site i am not sure about the reputation of this site i just goggled the price of the war so far in 2010 and this is one that came up Information Clearing House. Now some say it is 2 trillion and some say 3 trillion i am not sure the right number but that is a lot of money How are we paying for it ? Now attacking the Republican for Photo op's is not right because dem's do and would have done the same, But we will see in November because people seem to think that these midterms will be a slam dunk and it may not be as easy, But Trey as a person that grew up in a democratic house hold i learned we can't side with everything that they do and the same for republicans. But i will say this will will never get anything done fighting each other and one side can't agree with the other on nothing
This is posting #298173. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Open Letter to Conservatives (and wanna be conserv by Trey9007
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