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Fish Tape Follies...

So I have been having a hell of a time with Fish Tape lately. Have a Greenlee that is 3 yrs old and bent to hell and had to retire it. Went to Home Depot and got a Klein 240' fished about 6' and the damn thing locked up. Reeled it back, tried again only to have it spring out the side. Took the screws out to see if I could reset it or at least see how and why it was hung up. TWANG!!! 240 feet of rats nest. 1 1/2 hours later I got it back together. Went to go fish 200' of UG conduit later in the afternoon and it locked up on me again 1 hr later got it reset so I could return it. Took it back got my $ back then went to Lowes and got an Ideal 240' Blue Steel. Go all the way back and fished the 200' run. Next job had to fish 10' of 1 1/2 inch MDU conduit and 18' of UG cond.  Got the 1 1/2 inch.. but when I tried to fish th UG cond it locked up. I tried to secure it and pull out the tape to get it reset.. it locks up and out of frustration I yank the crap out of it and the tape spits out the inside... (That one was all me) So at this point I am wondering what the hell is wrong with me as it seems that NO ONE in the history of the cable industry has had this kinda trouble with fish tape probably ever..  I mean this ain't rocket science...   Pull out fish tape, feed into conduit(as it was designed) pull cable through conduit. spray with WD 40 and return to tool bin... pretty simple right?!?? So WTF!!!!   I have asked everyone to the point where I am starting to feel like an idiot..  And this is extremely frustrating as it costing a boat load in time and gas to keep going back to do what should have been a one shot deal when I did the installs... ughhh
This is posting #297754. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Fish Tape Follies... LocoDawg 3/31/2010 9:36:00 PM
Re: Fish Tape Follies... Jimscustomwire 3/30/2010 3:46:25 PM
Re: Fish Tape Follies... SpeedLasher 3/30/2010 2:04:51 PM
Re: Fish Tape Follies... goodsky 3/30/2010 1:09:19 PM
Re: Fish Tape Follies... PCFrecruiter 3/30/2010 1:05:18 PM