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Re: We have to do what?

You have an economy right now screaming for consumer spending to create jobs. So to do that you suck additional money out to send to DC. How does this help.

And the new enrollees in the insurance plan will not create many if any jobs. They want to cut reimbursements for services on top of giving doctors more work to do. It doesn't add up.

And ignoring facts, try this one, every time taxes were reduced, the treasury actually ended up with an increase in revenues. The government creates nothing of value ever. Most of the recent economic gains crowed about by the media was a direct result of the feds spending us into oblivion, not real growth. All smoke and mirrors. And it is not just Obama, it was both Bush's Clinton, all of them. They are for all intents one in the same.

What I rail against is government getting too big for our own good. Read the Constitution and tell me what article gives congress the right to mandate health insurance. And before you start with the they make you get car insurance, the feds don't states do. Big difference, but that is the way it is supposed to be. Give in to the pols a little here a little there, soon there is nothin left.
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Posted in reply to: Re: We have to do what? by Trey9007
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Re: We have to do what? Trey9007 3/25/2010 8:38:50 PM