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Re: Obama close to health law success that eluded

Now we needed some kind of reform. We got some but with too much government. More intervention. No way this is going to make anything cheaper. And the future will show. I truly hope they are right but knowing the gov and their history, I don't see it happening. I am truly worried for this country when we have people in power that won't listen to the American people. When they will do what they want instead of what has been set in place for rules. They will do any underhanded thing they can. Now more money and fighting will happen. Sigh.

“Today is a very bad day. Today, the people’s House turned its back on the people. Today, a bill was rammed down the throats of good Americans who trust us to preserve their freedoms and today, those freedoms were stifled. Thousands gathered on the National Mall this weekend to let their voices be heard because they are scared. They are scared that their liberties are being stomped on and they are scared of the government intrusion in their lives and they are right. This Administration force-fed America a bill that will increase premiums while growing inefficient government bureaucracy by establishing nearly 160 new boards, commissions, and programs. This bill doesn’t include real health care reform, it’s reform in name only. What we passed is composed of ego and partisanship, and does nothing to help Alaskans and nothing to help our country.” Don Young, US congress
And Newt:

No one should be confused about the outcome of Sunday's vote.

This is not the end of the fight - it is the beginning of the fight.

The American people spoke decisively against a big government, high tax, Washington knows best, pro-trial lawyer, centralized and bureaucratic health system.

In every recent poll the vast majority of Americans opposed this monstrosity.

Speaker Pelosi knew the country was against the bill. That is why she kept her members trapped in Washington and forced a vote on Sunday.

She knew if she let the members go home their constituents would convince them to vote no.

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine combined the radicalism of Alinsky, the corruption of Springfield and the machine power politics of Chicago.

Sunday was a pressured, bought, intimidated vote worthy of Hugo Chavez but unworthy of the United States of America.

It is hard to imagine how much pressure they brought to bear on congressman Stupak to get him to accept a cynical, phony clearly illegal and unconstitutional executive order on abortion. The ruthlessness and inhumanity of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine was most clearly on display in their public humiliation of Stupak.

The real principles of the machine were articulated by Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings who was impeached and removed from the bench as a federal judge, before being elected to the House when he said "There ain't no rules here, we're trying to accomplish something...All this talk about rules...When the deal goes down...we make 'em up as we go along."

It is hard for the American people to believe their leaders on the Left are this bad. They are.

The American people will not allow a corrupt machine to dictate their future.

Together we will pledge to repeal this bill and start over

Together we will prove that this will not stand.

2010 and 2012 will be among the most important elections in American history.

These elections will allow us to save America from a left-wing machine of unparalleled corruption, arrogance and cynicism.

Sunday was one more step in the fight against a "Washington knows best" and "Washington should run everything" attitude.

Let us turn now to the Senate to continue this fight for real reform, for real self government, and for policies that create jobs, improve health outcomes, and increase freedom.
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