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Re: Kill the Bill

A new marriage penalty will be created.

Investment income is going to be taxed more. A medicare tax increase of almost 1 percent. Plus the fact that they really have no idea of what the impact this is going to be. Some people want this so badly that they can't even think it can be bad. They refuse to. Then they condescend to others opposing it as though they are so much more informed and better. They try to put someone down for not wanting something even the politicians don't seem to know completely. Instead of finding out what is being bought they scream "pass it". Makes no logical sense whatsoever.

Fix the bill. Make it work for everyone. It doesn't have to be today but they want their ice cream and don't care who is going to pay for it. They disregard the fact that the government IS going to run this thing. No public option in it. You are fined for not getting it so you are being taxed. Freedom is going away and some are rolling in it like a dog on a dead fish. It still stinks but the dog will still do it. It is disgusting but the dog will still do it. And the dog doesn't care if he stinks with dead fish as long as he makes everyone else smell it. Maybe the dog could be taught to stay out of the dead fish. Maybe he could be taught that there is a bad side effect to rolling in it. One that is going to cost the owner more by buying extra shampoo, water and time to clean him. Taxing the owner more. Taking more from him. It is inevitable this is going to raise taxes and there are already premium increases in the making. Isn't this suppose to lower the premiums?

And more taxes? The Democrats' health care bill contains at least a dozen direct and indirect tax increases that would break President Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on those making less than $200,000 for singles and $250,000 for couples. These include: (1) a "Cadillac tax" on high-cost plans, (2) an individual mandate tax on Americans who do not purchase government-approved health insurance, (3) an increase in the 7.5% AGI floor for medical expense deductions to 10%, (4) limits on Flexible Spending Accounts in cafeteria plans, (5) increased penalties for nonqualified HSA distributions, (6) other restrictions on Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts, and Flexible Spending Accounts, (7) a tax on tanning services, (8) an employer mandate tax, (9) a sales tax on medical devices, (10) a tax on health insurance premiums, (11) a tax on prescription drugs, and (12) a tax on insured and self-insured health plans.
This is posting #296470. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Kill the Bill by Trey9007
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Kill the Bill Toast 3/21/2010 12:07:49 PM
Re: Kill the Bill Trey9007 3/21/2010 11:51:07 AM