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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

You are definitely making forceful commonsense type argument.   Which suggests you must be very passionate about some form of ideology or the other.  But as a practical matter the issue of employee versus contractor is simple.   I admit the discussion requires a basic knowledge of economics and common law.  Economics and common law helps when we need to interpret existing facts about the cable satellite business.   

"The company that holds the prime contract is likely paid a piece rate.  Which means they can handle business in one of two ways, hire employees or 1099 the work."  "Now lets say they decided to go with employees instead.  They now have the additional costs associated with employees..."  "Now that $70 piece rate job just paid you $40 to be an employee. Bottom line is the prime only has so much to work with and they are not in business to lose money or even swap nickels.....they are in it for profit....God forbid!"

It is perfectly okay for companies to pay employees substantially less than they would have paid a sub, and they are expected to profit to stay in business.

"Supply a better product and demand a decent rate from the MSO's.  Support your there's a concept."

A better install?  Leads to higher payments by the MSO?  Quality has been up and prices down.  This is a fact.  Anyone in this discussion in any cable/satellite  market who has actual data (or anecdote) to prove that prices have risen when quality improved  should provide the facts.

And with all due respect. It is not called "you" supply and then demand!   That's not an economic concept.      

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Posted in reply to: Re: Independant Contractor? Read This by bartscott
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