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Re: CBO report: Stimulus bill created up to 2.1 mi

we are. you are being forced to pay because you wont pay on your own to help people. If people would take care of things that needed taken care of we would not need a government. We are not a third world country because of our government. With out our government taking your so called money to help the unfortunate it would never get done. Sure the Government steals money from us and treats us like shit, but some of that money makes it to a hungry person or a malnourished child. Anything is better than nothing. It it was left up to cable dawgs to show compassion nothing would get accomplished. All I hear on here is kill muslims, deport illegals, stop welfare, no more free obama phones, no more stimulus money, obama dont have a legal america birth certificate,No free health care, let people fend for themselves, no unemployment, (sub contractors dont get shit)(true), on and on and on, it gets old. Nothing but dirty laundry.
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