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Re: IF You Are an employee who does installs 6 day

am yet to see installers in this business work those hours a whole year.  But good luck with whatever your arguement is.  If you want ot why not go to work for the service provider??  Oh thats right the company that does offer all those bennies either wont hire you or they dont pay enough.  Aww guess whats coming sally's puss is hurting so lets make her an employee.  You think the contractor is going to be able to pay you more than the mso as a full time employee?  So lets go complain about it till I screw the efficient techs that were busting their balls and happy making 2k a week when working 6 days.  Seen this horsecrap ramp up a few years ago.  The other day Checked out some installation rates for the first time in a couple of years and I can say this business is crap now.  The people with the ability to do fast quality work are no longer rewarded.  Its about keeping a steady ship for these companies, gotta have funds for the OT slackers.  Rates I was quoted were almost 1/3 what I got the last time I did an install.  I was told it was all this OT and employee bs.  The workmans comp went through the roof and gen liab did too.  Cuz suddenly every tom dick n harry started falling off their ladders.  Their auto ins policy sky rocketed.  Before with contractors the slackers only affected themselves.  Now its like getting food stamps.  They made the man next to em pay to make sure they could slack and make a decent wage.  Say what you will but if you like talking to the customers about how the sky is blue by all means do it but why destroy something good for the hard workers?  This industry does not pay employees well at any level.  I approached cable contracting as a temp job.  Did the work Comcast needed when their techs couldnt handle it.  Was compensated nicely for what I did/do.  If you're looking for a career perhaps a contractor is the worst place to look. 
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