Quote=Quality Cable 2/16/10 8:57:21 PM "Splicer Life 4me, so your advise is to, after going to your drug dealer to get weed so you can smoke a "phatty" as you call it. Then after leaving the dope mans house you go to work and do quality work by making sure you keep quad fittings on you. How does a pothead remember to keep everything in order? Or do you think your doing a good job, yet too stoned to really know whats going on. So are you professional at your job or a professional pothead? How do you get around the drug test before you are hired? You offer real professional advise. You must be a real asset for the company you represent."
You want to try that one again? Who the fuck are you calling a "pothead"? I know you can't possibly mean me considering I don't smoke pot, joints or "phatty's". Matter of fact I don't use illecit drugs of any kind. Matter of fact, I haven't even smoked cigarettes for the last 5 years. By using the word "you" when replying to me, 'you' are dangerously close to defamation of character. I suggest you tread lightly from here on out.
Now, I only said I don't have a problem with Skidmark "smoking a phatty". There is nothing any more wrong in doing that than someone drinking a 12 pack of beer or half a fifth of JD. Still a drug but a different name. And neither is tolerated during working hours, so your argument is moot and has no merit. Now go away and come back when you have something relevant to contribute here. You have already admitted that you will use what you have instead of getting the correct materials, so we already know all we need to know about your work ethics and your character.
Re: The definition of a HACK
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