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Is this what you all believe in?

The attempts of environmentalists to bolster the myth of human-induced global warming is downright immoral.” Philip Stott, Professor of Biogeography, University of London

“Most geologists think the world is growing warmer, and that it will continue to get warmer.” L.A. Times 1929

The Sun, Water vapor, Earth's orbit, Volcanoes, Interstellar clouds, Cosmic rays, Tectonic plates, Land use, CO2, Sunspots, Gravitational pulls, Ocean currents and Solar flares. Imagine each one of these as a 100,000 piece puzzle and mix them all together. Now randomly take out 1/4 of all the pieces and try to put it together. This represents our world and its environment.

Global Warming Lies was created because when you do an internet search on global warming 99% of what you find is how the Earth is doomed and we are all going to drown from global warming. This isn't the case, in fact most climatologists will tell you differently. Global Warming Lies is an attempt to break down the science into every day language, provide facts, use logic and common sense instead of the "You're going to die"  

Every Climatologist will tell you the Earth's temperature has been much hotter and colder than it is now.

There was an Ice Age and it warmed up, there was a Mini Ice Age just 500 years ago and it has been warming up ever since. The Industrial Revolution was not around during those periods.

NASA reports because of Solar Flares the Sun is the hottest it has been in over 100 years. There are no cars on the sun.

Global warming is causing ice to melt on Mars. There are no cars on Mars.

Thousands and thousands of studies and experiments prove that more carbon dioxide produces better fruits, vegetables, trees and almost any sort of plant life.

Most of the temperature increase happened before 1940 (Before most carbon dioxide was released by cars and factories)

The hot year of 1998 was caused by El Nino.

Joining the Kyoto Protocol would cost the U.S. approximately $400 Billion every year and would have virtually no effect on earths temperature.

April 28, 1975 Newsweek printed an article about scientists predicting doom and gloom because of Global Cooling.

Global Warming Lies and many millions of other people who don't believe global warming is man made have never received money from any oil company.

Climate models do not take into account water vapor that is 95% of the atmosphere.

The United Nations left out two statements that were supposed to be in the final draft of a paper on Global Warming.

1) “None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.”
2) “No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man–made causes”

There are six billion people on Earth, a colder climate and/or less carbon dioxide would have devastating effects worldwide.

If you don't believe global warming will destroy the earth you will be accused of working for an oil company.

Ways to stop producing carbon dioxide

Stop breathing - When you exhale you release carbon dioxide

Dont drive - We all know how bad driving is

Don't live in a house/apartment/condo or any building that uses gas or electricity - Homes produce 2-3 times as much carbon as cars.

Don't wear shoes or any sort of clothing produced in a factory. Grow a cotton field and make your own clothes by hand.

Quit school - Those school buildings produce more carbon in a year then you do in 20 years.

Eat meat raw - Whether you're using gas or electric both produce carbon dioxide.

Turn off this monitor and computer - You hypocrite.

Don't use toilets, urinate or poo in your back yard.- The water to your house is cleaned and sent to your house using pumps that use electricity.

Stop exercising - Increasing your heart rate increases the amount of oxygen you take in and turn into carbon dioxide.

Die - Dying younger means you will do all of the above less. Living one year less means you will save the earth 8.4 tons of carbon dioxide every year you're not here!

These are just a few facts, some are very obvious but the fact that the planet has been much colder and much hotter long before cars and the Industrial Revolution should be obvious to everyone.

This is posting #292119. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Is this what you all believe in? sab3r 2/16/2010 9:22:33 PM
Re: Is this what you all believe in? LocoDawg 2/16/2010 7:13:45 PM
Re: Is this what you all believe in? Nat Light 2/16/2010 5:16:27 PM