Thats a comcast system, they don't pay every week anymore like in 84/85 when they bought out Caltec, they pay quartley now, Pro comm might have gotten their last check but who knows how much was deducted (backcharged) or for that matter when the next one is due.
Have you talked to other techs, thats a 20-35 tech system, I know theres Amtec there also, mill around in the mornings with procomm techs and start asking questions to them. if they are getting paid if they are then they might have a problem with you (personality conflict) or your work. hard to say at this point.
I know that (who was it) Barry was the Manager he got fired for not performing is daily duties,lol. I was glad to hear wouldn't hire me one day but I think I was being blackballed by another contractor at the time.
Re: Procom Services LLC of Maryland
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