Re: Dish or Direct
Member #: 21332
Registered: 2/9/2003
Big D
Self employed
Rocky Mountains
~48 years
I live in the mountains out west and we had a cable company up here at one time. but there service SUCKED. Every time the wind blew, or rain or snow the service was out. But that's another story. I went to a buddy of mine that has been in the sat buisness since the big dishes, and asked him the same question, Direct or Dish. Now, I am not a sat man either. I just wanna watch TV. Well,, after a 15 min lecture on sat tv, I was still a little confused. Direct was a couple of bucks more a month than Dish, that was about the only difference I saw. I get my internet from a wireless provider, so all I needed was tv. Ended up with Direct, and have had no problems other than when it snows so hard you can't see your car out front, then there is no tv. That was ten years ago, when I had it installed, other than the subscription rate, I don't have any complaints. But,, that's just my opinion.
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