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Rick, The Mods, and China

Rick, The Mods and China all have the same thing in common.  They control your speech so tightly that you wouldn't even think there is a First Amendment.

Ever wonder why I'm hardly ever on here anymore?  I can't deal with these PRICK FUCKING ASSHOLE COCKSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER GOD DAMN FUCKBURGERS!

Pull your heads out of each others asses, take each others dicks out of your respective mouths, and quit being such pussy assholes.

And, so we're all clear - I'm posting this in the Lineman's Forum because according to the DICKtatorship around here, this is the last bastion of free speech, a place where you can say, according to them, "whatever you want."

Fuck you all.
It was then that Caroline remembered her kitchen back in Montana, with a stove that she might or might not have turned off, and so with a heavy sigh, she put down the penguin.
This is posting #289957. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Rick, The Mods, and China LocoDawg 2/1/2010 7:35:14 PM
Re: Rick, The Mods, and China Admin 2/1/2010 7:55:14 AM
Re: Rick, The Mods, and China wizo6812 1/31/2010 11:14:52 PM