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Re: A Joyful day for this old dawg

Spilcer, Nice pup..I have a 1/2 JR 1/2 mini-dashhund also.It is my first.If you have already owned one..then any advice is mute.But if you havent....Id suggest some lite internet reading.The training on a JR is somewhat different than any other dawg I have ever owned.Ive had dogs my whole life but I had no idea the difference concerning a Jack.
  My wife got ours just after I broke my back...and so he became kinda my lapdog with me laying on my back 23 hours a day.My wife laffs everytime she walks in and he asleep on my lap.
 The bonus is Ive had mine for 10 months and even with his forever chewing up the world... his loyalty and dedication to me and my family is more than  I have ever expected out of a dawg.He listens to  better than my daughter....Im sure all of yall will be pleased.

Good luck.......Happy New Year
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