Be careful what you ask for you might get it. Ladies and Gentlemen another cable company just launched all inhouse personnel and the subs are offering $7/hour with no to almost no benefit for health etc. I have several friends who make a good living at subing/1099 whatever you want to call it today. Those not making any money will continue to make no real money. But those who have always busted out good work will be penalized. Seems like the way these lawsuits always play out?? The hard worker ends up getting the shaft. While the squeekkkkkyyyy wheel gets heard and their words turned into a class action!!
Now I don't like it when people aren't treated fairly. But fair is fair how many people are making money versus how many aren't?? I'll bet the have's out number the half nots by a large margin? If not it is because they have found greener pastures...
Lawsuit Brighthouse
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