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Re: Independent Contractor vs. Employee

First off, you are suing the company you work for, not DISh or DTV (or the cable company for that matter). We all know that there is some degree of BS that we are willing to take when we hire on. It's the companies that exploit you and take your money that need to be stopped. If companies would treat the techs with some respect and dignity then there wouldn't be any need to take action but that's not the case. For the most part, everyone that gets into this business as a company is looking to make a quick buck. There are very few "good' companies out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. When the crap hits the fan, it rolls down hill because they don't want to take any responsibility for their part and it's easier to pass the buck to the little guy.

Good example: I worked for Skylink (aka Amerisat) last year. After only one week of working, they tried to tell me that I lost 30 dishes. Even after the local office cleared it up and cleared my inventory, they refused to reimburse me for the eqt. Every week I was deducted for sc7, 30, 60, 90, ect... I never had so many dish relocates in my entire 10 years as I did the 3 months I worked for them.

And just to pass some info on to those of you that have heard of them or thinking of working for them...... They are about as morally corrupt as they come. Their ops manager works for them and has his own side company that is also contracted to other DTv locations. Most of these contracts were sites that Satalink worked in previously and he moved in to take over the work. Someone tell me how this is legal since he is an employee? In any other company this would be grounds for termination. The guy also has the nerve to solicit customers to help fund his personal business while on the job for Satalink/DTV. The stories could go on but my point is clear. We all take chances when we enter into this business. I am on leaning in another direction for work that will at least give me some sanity. As I stated before, There is strength in number. Before you go complaining about how you are being treated, think about what you are willing to do to change it, otherwise cry to someone else.

If you want anymore info on Satalink/Amerisat, feel free to e-mail.
This is posting #288521. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Independent Contractor vs. Employee by Nightlife1970
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Independent Contractor vs. Employee x Greasemonkey 1/27/2010 3:05:13 AM
Re: Independent Contractor vs. Employee DigiCommSystems 1/20/2010 1:23:59 AM