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Purple People Eaters

Go Vikes!!

34-3 win over Dallas!!  Now it's time for the Saints to lose too.  Minn. Defense was just awesome to watch today.  I'll predict right now based on today's play:  The Vikings will win the Superbowl.
This is posting #288152. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Purple People Eaters glcc1 1/18/2010 4:22:01 PM
Re: Purple People Eaters FUNNYFARM 1/17/2010 10:46:02 PM
Re: Purple People Eaters Midwest Splicing 1/17/2010 6:11:52 PM
Re: Purple People Eaters sab3r 1/17/2010 4:23:05 PM