Oct '07 Dow at 14,000, July '08 DOW at 11,000, and it dropped even more before he left office in Jan. 2009.
Remember, the DOW is a leading indicator. When the DOW goes up, good things usually follow. When the DOW goes down, negative things follow. In other words, the markets went down under Bush, and the lagging indicators like unemployment followed, as they always do. But in this case there wasa change in the White House, so now the new guy is being made to take responsibilty for the results of the last Prez's policy. In OCT '07 the DOW began to DROP. We had an about an 8,000 DOW when Bush left office. You said the DOW was already "GOING UP" while Bush is still. It was not.
Re: Great Example of How They Lie
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