What ever happened to Loyalty between cable company and contractor? Ive worked for Comcast in tuscaloosa Alabama for 11 years. Have always taken care of everything that they through our way. Need 1 span up now. Done! Lines down on Christmas day. Taken care of! Never said we cant do it for any reason! What do they do, Tell us at Christmas that the gave the contract to helms. Who have been here twice before and failed! Dos Comcast care if we have familys settled here or that some of us bought houses to be closer to our jobs incase we are called apon! To tell the truth I dont know what thy think. I just know I gave 11 years of loyaly and dedication to Comcast Tuscaloosa and feel like Ive been crapped on! You would think that it would be smart business to stick with us we know the system, we know the area we have the people and equipment to take care of any job handed to us. Like I said what ever happened to LOYALTY!!!!!!!????????!!
This is CABL.com posting #286884. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbmNk