A Skunk Tale
Member #: 21332
Registered: 2/9/2003
Big D
Self employed
Rocky Mountains
~48 years
It was a warm summer night, with a bright full moon and a slight cool breeze. With the sound of crickets outside and the 10'o clock news going in and out, I was settled in my chair, after a hard day. When all of a sudden, at the same time, my dog, Motley the Rotti,( he learned real quick) jumps up and starts howling like he's a damn wolf, and my wife screams "SKUNK" as she's running through the house shutting windows. Well,,, I jumped up out of the chair, in a half dazed state of confusion, spilling the beer that was between my legs all over the place, trying to help getting the windows shut. Now this skunk moved in under the shed about 2 months ago, and has been stinking the place up at night, and getting into the dog food. I tried live trapping the little bastard, but no luck. So, anyway,, Now I am pissed. I go into the bedroom and grab a shot gun and climb out the bedroom window, and sneak around to the corner of the house. There he is, on the back deck in the dog food. So I take aim,'BOOM" the dog food and dish go flying everywhere. Well,,,, that little bastard turned towards me with his teeth showing and making a screeching noise, charged right at me. So I chambered another round, or so I thought. CLICK, OH SHIT, I thought as he is running at me. I grab the end of the barrel and swing like a low and outside curve ball. I go back inside the house, and the wife says "Well". "I got em" I said. "Looks like he put up one hell of a fight" she said looking at my gun and starting to laugh. I looked down at my gun, and the stock was hanging on by a splinter. So the next day I go into town to the ATF shop.(Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms. I walk in with my gun and the place goes silent. "Can I help,,,what the hell,,,,how'd you do that" ask the gunsmith. "Yeh,,, how'd you do that " asks one of two oldtimers, sitting there drinking coffee. "Well,,,you ain't going to believe this", as I started to explain. They were quiet for a moment, and the gunsmith says "Looks like he put up a pretty good fight"!! Then the three of them bust out laughing there ass's off. So,, it ended up costing me $150 bucks for a new stock.
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