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Re: Health Care Compromise Is Unconstitutional!

yes, it is obvious that you are a member of the far right and want them to be successful. i get that. i think everyone gets that.

it is equally obvious that you loathe democrats as something lower than pond scum. i get that too. again, i think everyone gets that.

what you dont get, is that i dont care what you say about democrats. i am not a democrat and hold no loyalty to them at all.

i have stated this before....i am for healthcare, welfare, education and lobbying reform. i am against immunity for illegal immigrants and i would like to see them actively discouraged from entering the country and actively sent back to their own country. i am pro-choice on abortion, athough i dont personally believe in it. i was for the wars in afghanistan and in iraq, although i suspected george w was either lying through his teeth or completely deceived by his own advisors.

knowing all this, feel free to label me or post your statements depicting the republicans as great and the democrats as evil. it doesnt matter to me, as i am not personally invested in either party.

i do say this though, if you whole heartedly believe that the republican party is not party to the total crapfest going on in this country today, then your reasoning is not grounded in reality.
This is posting #286059. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Health Care Compromise Is Unconstitutional! BillHeaton 1/2/2010 10:43:50 PM