I suppose you support illegal immigration? It wont work I know first hand, I live it, I see it ,its all around me, it just doesnt work,period, to support it is assnine unintelligent and frankly just plain stupid,period. The University of California San Diego needs to forfiet all funding provided by US interests for this little endevor,I truely hope they lose funding over this.
You know what you support sweat when you support illegal immigration?You support modern day slavery thats what you support you support families living 20 maybe 30 to a singlewide,dont tell me shit I see it everyday dude.You know what they pay to pick and clip a 5 gallon bucket of onions? .25 cents asshole thats right .25cents per 5 gallon bucket, how many you think you can clip an hour?
Yeah buddy lets support modern day slavery lets give an illegal immigrant some water so some rich ass southern farmer can pay him .25 cents per bucket.Remember that the next time you eat a Vidalia onion. Your a dumbass sweat.
Re: points illegal border crossers to water
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