Regarding this socialist, Obama inspired change we now see. Once the final passage of this piece of legislation, followed by the inevitable executive signing happens, it will be the equivalent of having to board the train for Auschwitz. The time to fight and take a stand will be then, before it's too late. Our elected will have proven to be failures in representing the people. It will be time for the people to take the reins of the government back from the corrupt, and right the course .... at any cost. Failure to do so will swiftly result in the eventual loss of all freedoms, all liberty, all the blessings bestowed upon us through the blood, sweat, and tears of our brothers, our fathers, and our forefathers. Generation after generation did what was necessary for all of us to be enable to enjoy a life that was unparalleled in all the world. But I'm afraid, that it has come to an end. Unless WE act, and act soon!
Steven C. Delnay
What happened to America?
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