I worked in-house as an installer and service tech. By the end of my 1st year as an MSO employee, I was making $18.51/hr. I had fully bennies, free cable, company van w/ gas card to take home each night. 401K, Pension, Medical, Dental, Eyecare, and $2k/yr Flex-Plan to reduce taxes. Gained 18hrs/month in Paid Time Off(single bucket of vacation & sick time). Do the math on that. That's 54hrs every 3-months. Paid weeks vacation every THREE months. Not to mention the $500 bucks bonus i made each quarter simply by doing my job correctly each day. Also, each December, if i had 40hrs banked in my PTO, I could cash that in as an additional bonus. And I always had that time banked.
Worked 8am-7pm four days a week with Sun, Mon, Tues off. (wife is an RN working my off days). Got to raise my son without having to ship'em off to daycare.
Base wage is what?? 39,000/yr ... $2k/yr in bonus ...PTO was 128hrs worth (128x18.51 = $2300apx) ... bennies the company paid for = $25k/yr ... Gas the company paid for $4200/yr
So ... I was benefiting as an MSO employee triple-play installer/repairer about $72,500 per year.
Not a bad payday for a 40-hour work week.
I left that company before my last pay step which would have taken me from 18.51/hr to about 22.75/hr
Oh ....and it was NON-Union by the way :-)
So ...What's better .... Inhouse MSO or contracting? Depends. Being 40yr old+ ...I say MSO inhouse. Contracting is a young man's game.
Re: Subs sue Bright House & Knight
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