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Re: need upstream data help

Not sure which cmts your using but cant you just put a different upstream freq on each node? Have to do a few extra downstreams but the modems only send and recieve what your cmts is telling them to. And your cmts only looks at what you tell it too.

First thought is Cmts at environmental cabinet possible?

Your feeding 600 subs on 1 port? So its running 6 trunk amps from the first node to another transmitter that feeds 3 nodes that feeds a whole lotta amps each?  That is a lot of return power pushing thru those 6 amps at 1 time on the return side. Low snrs would be for sure.
Total power has got to be high.  If your just using modems you can block all freq, from nodes b,c, and d except the ones you decide to use for each node. That way eliminating some total power and intermittant impulse from locking up your recievers or the six cascade amp hybrids.

The systems would have to be tight to even run so try getting some notch filters and at B,C, and D, only pass into transmitter(feeding node A) what each node is using and see what happens. Your still going to suffer on snr's but that would help. Cmts reconfigs should help you out. Split the return input to different ports on the cmts and config each port respectively. That is of course if you have enough return bandwidth.
As well as what docsis. Anyway just my thoughts on your delima, good luck bro
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Posted in reply to: need upstream data help by Chad Thomas
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