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Re: What happened to ethical companies?

"""Contracts are ment to protect the company from hack techs and a real tech would understand that and not agree to anything he couldnt uphold.""

These days you sign the contract put in front of you and hope someone does not screw you over. Have run a DSR sales company for 20 years now and for 1st 10 the mso'd would sign my 1 and 1/2 page document. Now a days you are sent a 50 page tome with incrediable goobeldygook legalese which basically says the cable company will pay you if they feel like it. Fought against those contracts (with chargebacks for just about anything for just about any length of time) for a good two years but so many of the fly by nights sign em without a thought that you are forced to also if you want work. The industry use to work with handshakes and people backing up their word but now it has gone to hell in a hand basket.

In this case once the contracting company has confirmed no problems on work done they should show some class and pay the guys regardless of how long they have the "contractual right" to hold it. Ohterwise THEY ARE WEASELS pure and simple.
This is posting #283395. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: What happened to ethical companies? by Jade Telecom LLC
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: What happened to ethical companies? turabahamut 12/9/2009 9:15:54 PM
Re: What happened to ethical companies? brandar 12/9/2009 8:35:27 PM