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Re: What happened to ethical companies?

Come on splicer tell me this business isnt a mess all I hear about is everyone getting screwed

 Hell I am getting screwed I had pretty good health insurance last year and this year the company went with some no name company and I am paying twice what I was and getting half or less than half of the coverage I was.

 I see more and more B.S. every day techs getting their jobs threatened by managers that couldnt manage their own affairs let alone a business, no-one likes to work in a threateneing enviroment but step out of line just a little and your fired or suspended and lets face it we all have families and bills and what does it do to a man's dignity to go home and say sorry there will be no food because some manager that wont back his techs suspended me for something that could have been avoided but he had to flex his muscle to show he is in charge.

 No offense to you splicer I have read a lot of your posts and have respect for you but sometimes this business just pisses me off because I know I am a top notch tech and I am not blowing my own horn I have the proof and yet I cant get ahead no matter what I do.
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Posted in reply to: Re: What happened to ethical companies? by Splicer Life 4me
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Re: What happened to ethical companies? Splicer Life 4me 12/9/2009 12:17:47 PM