My wife and I had a husky before Tripp. Wiley got out and was killed by a truck. A few weeks later, I was driving back to Chicago from doing a job in Indiana. On one of the backroads there was a sign for an animal shelter in the little one horse town. Something drew me to the shelter, and thats where I found Tripp. He had been previously adopted and returned because the mother/daughter that adopted him were scared by him. That was the death sentence. I showed up the day before it was to happen. The folks in charge asked if I had any children and said no way when I said I had a 5 year old son, but I finally convinced them otherwise. And I'm so glad I did. And Tripp never forgot where he came from and showed his gratitude every second he was with us. When my wife was pregnant with my daughter, Tripp never left her side, and stayed with her the entire time.
And that is just a small part of his story. As I said, many thanks to everyone. Your words mean alot more than you think.