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Re: Mastec on the way out??????

wildblue's bandwidth is NOT full.. in some areas the beams are full and they cant add new customers.. mainly on the east coast.. but i still do wildblue installs and they go in fine.. to understand wildblues bandwidth in different areas.. you have to understand,  ALL of wildblue is SPOTBEAMED.. to understand that you have to know what a spotbeam is. In NC the beams are full... in colorado and kansas it is not full thus more customers are added. Also .. wildblue has a 3rd bird out now.. and from what im understanding it will start to be used in the 'full' areas soon.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Mastec on the way out?????? by agarcia
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Mastec on the way out?????? agarcia 11/20/2009 10:37:38 AM
Re: Mastec on the way out?????? agarcia 11/20/2009 10:35:01 AM