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Obama was born in Kenya

I just want to keep everyone updated with some of the latest information regarding the liar in the Whitehouse.

There is only one person alive who has come forward as being present at Obama's birth. No one else, not a doctor, nurse, or any one else has ever come forward and stated they were present at, or even visited Obama shortly after his historic birth. That one person is Barack's grandmother, and she has clearly stated that Barack was born in Kenya. She has no reason to lie about that.

Did you know Obama has (so far) spent sums exceeding $1.7 million to avoid releasing an original long-form state birth certificate that would put to rest so many questions.

Obama has not proved he is constitutionally eligible to serve as president as a "natural born citizen". Of course the release of his long-form birth certificate showing the hospital of his birth, attending physician and other details can clarify answers to those questions. Obama's presidential campaign released to select news organizations only what is known as a "certification of live birth," a document obtainable in Hawaii in 1961 by Americans actually born outside the country.

The lack of the media's attention and follow-through on this matter is astounding! Are even cable news power houses like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and others so easily dupped?

"WND's reporters ( have investigated this issue more extensively than the rest of the media combined – sending senior staff writer Jerome Corsi to Hawaii and Kenya in search of evidence," he has said. "We have commissioned private investigators in Honolulu. There is simply no persuasive evidence to affirm Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth. There is no hospital on the island that will confirm the first black president of the United States was born there. It's all conjecture. And no controlling legal authority in this country has ever asked Obama to provide the proof."

Tellingly, a recent survey revealed that a full 30 percent of Americans now believe that Obama is a foreigner.
The survey was done by Angus Reid Global Monitor, a division of Vision Critical Group, which leverages "the world's most advanced online research technology for interactive surveys, custom panels, private communities and virtual retail environments."

The issue is significant because while Obama secured a majority of the Electoral College votes in November 2008 to be installed as president, Article II of the U.S. Constitution establishes "that only 'natural born' American citizens are eligible to become presidents."
Just weeks ago, former House majority leader Tom DeLay offered his views on Obama's birth, saying, "Why wouldn't the president of the United States show the American people his birth certificate? You have to show a birth certificate to play Little League baseball. It's a question that should be answered. It's in the Constitution that you have to be a natural born citizen of the United States to be president."
WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Some of the lawsuits question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Some of the above information was taken in part from
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Re: Obama was born in Kenya hookman 81 11/14/2009 5:39:28 PM