Re: I'm not sure........
Member #: 58974
Registered: 5/1/2008
CableDawgz Union
The Dirty South
~41 years
Man, I could love her, that is my kinda woman. I want to have mad crazy sex with her. Hell, I'll bet she would be right there turnin' wrenches with me on my bike, cars and trucks. Man, her husband is one lucky guy: I want to be him.for sure. Oh yea, back to the topic. Technically since they are considered enemy combatants, they can be held until the "War" on terror is over (yea right) and then they have to be released to their country of origin. That is what is supposed to happen. Watch what the great imposter Slumbama pulls off. Personally, I think the Marines should just execute everyone of them. Problem solved, because, I can guarantee you, that if the haji motherfuckers get a chance they will kidnap and brutally murder you. I think we should kidnap a few and post what we do to them on the world wide web like they did to the innocents they murdered. Sorry pieces of pig shit.
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Posted in reply to: Re: I'm not sure........ by MikeEd
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