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Re: 10-26-09

  It is very simple you just have to believe that Jesus lived and died and rose on the third day , an that he did this for you, because

he loved you enough to die for you. The lord suffered an awaful death for us. They put nails in his hands and feet when they nailed him to a
cross, they had beat him  beyond reconiznaton. they put a crown of thornes on his head, they pearsed is side, the bible says his own

mother could not reconize him after they beat him with a wip. He did't have to die he could have called heavns angels to take him off the

cross, but he loved you enough to suffer and die, so you wouldn't have to go to Hell. there is no greater love than a man lay down his life.

We are all born sinners we just have to believe and  when he knocks at your hearts door all you have to do is let him in and ask him to save
you and believe he will, and the bible says with the mouth confession is made unto salvation all that means is that if you believe the lord

saved you tell that the lord saved you.  Understanding comes thu praying, reading and studying your bibile and faith comes thru believeing

and understanding. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. there are many things we don't understand,
but we have to have faith in the lord. the lord will give you understanding and increase your faith if you ask him. the bible says if you ask

thru faith believing you shall receive. The lord will be the best friend you will ever have, for he will always be there. The Lord is like the wind

you can fell it but can't see it.
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Posted in reply to: Re: 10-26-09 by danimal
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Re: 10-26-09 Gary Vest 10/28/2009 11:32:07 AM