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Re: I need some SERIOUS advice from you guys-n-gal

Hey G, once again you have shown how insensitive you are and you have no heart. I myself have 4 children and prey to God every day that nobody harms them in any way, mentaly, physically, or emotionally. Children DO NOT ASK to come into this world and it is our jobs as parents to protect them, sounds like these parents should not have been given the oppertunity to even have children. I dont know if you have kids yourself but from the sounds of your replies you dont, I believe if you did you would have different views on this issue. PLEASE do everyone a favor and keep your thoughts about these matters to your self. YOU OFFEND MORE PEOPLE THAT YOU THINK!!!! And to you island youre doing the right thing bro.
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Posted in reply to: Re: I need some SERIOUS advice from you guys-n-gal by Gwester843
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Re: I need some SERIOUS advice from you guys-n-gal Gwester843 10/25/2009 10:45:34 AM