But here is the irony, we as taxpayers invested billions into these companies because we could not let them fail. None of them are doing very well even today and now you just handcuffed them with top salary cuts. So they are still in trouble and now you took all of the incentive to get good top managers out of the equation. How long do you think it is before all of the top managerial talent leaves these companies and they go under anyway with hundreds of billions of our taxpayer money, this is why the gov't cant be allowed to run any business. They have not a clue. And lets be honest, this was not a business move, it was for the cameras so they can say look how we are sticking up for the little guy. Nothing more nothing less than a media circus. One more example of how hell bent they are to remove the capitalist free market system.
This is CABL.com posting #276405. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbj4j