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Re: gaffs

 my hat off to all you superman out there. personally I think  you are full of sh--, But if you want to look tuff and feel tuff then by all means keep flapping your lips. I climbed the sticks for 15 years, never used a ladder. You get older and your knees get weak. You get weaker in the mind and body,back starts to hurt,you cant put up with the heat or the cold like you use to. I will be the first man to admit it. Now some old farts out there are too much of a pussy to admit it. Blocking out the truth will not make you any younger. I hurt all over,every day I wake up and I will for the rest of my life. Cable tv has done this to me with no reward in the end. So keep on hooking those sticks and telling yourself that you are a strong linedawg. In reality you are just ignoring the fact. Broking down old fart of a relic. You don't get better with time. You get bent,and then you die.
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Posted in reply to: Re: gaffs by danimal
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: gaffs Polehiker 10/12/2009 8:23:48 PM
Re: gaffs LocoDawg 10/12/2009 7:00:53 PM
Re: gaffs Splicer Life 4me 10/12/2009 4:38:57 PM
Re: gaffs danimal 10/12/2009 4:05:04 PM