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Sneaky politicians suck

This is simple 'do as I say.......' tactics. They don't want the people to have a say in their own lives. They want to rule us not serve us as was intended. Reid is at the top of the list for extremism. Remember him? The guy that said no one is forced to pay taxes? ............

Democratic Senator Harry Reid is scheming to rush the anti-life
ObamaCare bill through the Senate, and this could all take place
within the next two weeks.

My sources on the Hill have confirmed that Sen. Reid is planning
on using his authority as Democratic Majority Leader to rush the
ObamaCare bill directly to the Senate floor - possibly within days
of next week's Senate Finance Committee vote - where he will
attach it to an unrelated bill.

The "bill replacement" strategy would essentially eliminate a full
debate but it requires 60 votes in the Senate. Fearing they cannot
get 60 votes, Democrats are considering the so-called "nuclear
option" which would make ObamaCare part of the budget process and
reduce the number of Senate votes needed for passage to 51.

Both strategies would give opponents of ObamaCare little or no time
to analyze the actual text of the bill. The socialist, anti-life
proponents of a government takeover of healthcare do not want the
American people to know what's in this bill. The bottom line
is this...

Obama and the socialists are working right now behind
closed doors on a draft of ObamaCare that we will not see
with time to respond. Their goal is to rush this secret
bill to passage before any grassroots opposition can mount!

++Abortion is still very much a part of ObamaCare!

To make matters worse, Democrats refuse to protect the unborn or
include provisions to prevent taxpayer funding of abortions through
ObamaCare. They have voted down abortion exclusion amendments more
than thirty times!

In fact, the Senate Finance Committee version specifically stipulates
that every state healthcare "exchange" must include at least one
plan that covers abortion!

That means nearly every person in America would be forced to fund
abortion if Obama and his socialist allies have their way!

And if Harry Reid uses Senator Baucus's bill as the basis of the
final plan, there are stiff fines and even jail time for those
who refuse to participate!

This is posting #274502. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Sneaky politicians suck MikeEd 10/10/2009 8:35:15 PM
Re: Sneaky politicians suck sab3r 10/10/2009 4:45:52 PM