Install contracting has become a joke period. On a regular basis I have to meet up with whoever or whatever will be installing the broadband access for our clients, and I'm just awestruck by the actual lack of training, knowledge, professionalism, pride in work, proper tools for the job, etc. that I see from both in house and contractors in the field today.
I used to have pride in my profession as a cable tech, and now I would be embarrassed to even claim to work as a installer in this industry period. I sort of liken the embarrassment of it to standing in line for welfare (because I think the world owes me a living and am too lazy) or waiting for the methadone clinic to open.
I remember a day when we worked as men who took pride in our work, stood tall, and got well compensated for our ability to get a job done. Those days are long gone as they vanished with the good pay.
Re: Was seeking info on Prince telecom
Member #: 34570
Registered: 11/22/2004
Dan Gerson
Dan Gerson
No mas cable
Paying bills
Sunny SW Florida.
mid 60s
~29 years
This is posting #274077. Tiny Link:
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