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Danimal let me tell you a story

I have read a lot of discussion on this site tonight and am very pleased to see the dialouge that has been created between believers and non believers. I did not even know this part of CABL.COM was here until tonight. What I want to tell are some hard facts that are not quotes from the bible but they are from a bible believing christian who loves you enough to try to give you the information you need to move you closer to making a decision that will change your life forever. I was born to a Mother and Father who were both alcoholics and by the time I was six years old they were divorced and I was living with my father who cared more about drinking and women to the point that he would leave me and  my brother, who was only one year older than me, alone for days at a time. When he was around we were in constant fear of doing something wrong because the penalty was so severe, so at that young age we literally grew to point of feeling safer alone (or was we alone). You see I lived it and I can tell you  that I know that God watched out for me and my brother even though I did not Know him. I will not get into all the details but lets just say a lot of bad things went on in my childhood. I eventually moved to Louisiana at the age of twelve and lived with my step Father and Mother who were both recovering alcoholics and was fortunate enough to be around my step Fathers Mother who was a devout Christian just enough to be subjected to this Jesus thing, it is at that point that I began to realize that he had been there all along watching out for me and my brother. But I did not have time for him I was seventeen and ready to get a job and build my own life. I moved away from home got a job, got married and got divorced then moved back home all in the spand of two years. I was now twenty back home and met a young lady that I really liked one year we were married. She was a very special young woman and I knew I would have to attend church if I had a shot at marrying her so when we started dating I began to go to church as time passed the Lord began pulling at me and I continued to rebel until one day before I realized what was going on I was down the isle making a profession of faith and asking Jesus Christ to be my Savior. I had a lot to learn but dug into the word and began living my life in a effort to please the Lord. We struggled financially in the begining and in our third year of marriage we had a child on the way when she was born we named her Danielle. Within three months we found out that she had a rare form of colon cancer that no one had ever beaten, but she was the youngest known case and the doctors gave us hope because we had caught it so early. Danielle was perfect in evey way and by the time she was twenty months old she had already had two major surgeries and appeared to be doing well. We carried her every six weeks to St Judes in Memphis for tests the doctors had told us if the cancer ever came back it would show up in her liver then her brain and her death would be excruciating. When she was twenty months on her visit to St Judes she got a clean bill of health and we were sent home and told we did not have to come back for six months. We were not home one day when we recieved the message that they had seen something in the xray of her liver and they wanted us to bring her back immediately and do a more in depth xray. Upon further exam they found three lesions in her liver and told us they would have to be removed by surgery. My wife and I had prayed together for seventeen months that if the cancer was going to eventually spread to her brain that the Lord would not let her suffer but would instead take her on to heaven. The doctors told us that the surgery was common and we had nothing to worry about that they should be through in about four hours. We waited and about seven hours into the surgery the Lord came to me and told me that my daughter was not going to make it through the surgery and I must remain strong for the moment and I would later have my time to grieve, I felt it meant that I would have to be strong for my wife but when the doctors came in and told us in the ninth hour she was not going to make it I found out, that through prayer my wife was strong that it was my father in law who needed me. When they told us she would not make it he fell to his knees begging God to take him instead, weeping unlike anything I had ever seen. The doctors explained that when they got inside, there were five tumors instead of three and that they could only remove three of them the other two were located in places that would kill her if removed. What the doctors did not know was that the veins on the back of her liver were abnormally short and as they moved the liver around to get to the tumors they were tearing all of those tiny veins that fed blood to the liver so that eventually they could not stop the bleeding and she literally bled to death. My daughter was headed for an excruciating death as the cancer went to her brain but because of prayer the Lord spared her of that. Through her twenty months of life she suffered almost none and she was perfect in every way she was truly a joy to have and she taught me how to love. Now I want you to understand that the Devil can not see into your heart he can not know beforehand what you are going to do until you do it. But he can place things in your path in hopes of pulling you away from God and unto to him. He really hoped that our family would denounce the Lord and come with him but that did not happen it only strengthened our family for the Lord, including my Father in law. God had a perfect world arranged for us free of disease and pestulence but because of the sin that Adam and Eave committed we were banished from that world forever and placed in the world that contained disease and pestulence, the Devils world, bad things are not of God they are of the Devil. Can God perform miracles? Yes he can. Does he perform them all the time? No he does not. Why? Because it would interfere with the normal course of things and all things happen for a reason. I have a lot more to tell you about other losses and other blessings if you truly are interested as you say you are that will prove through my life that there is a God. I desire to tell you through my testimony because I hear what your saying to brother Gary Vest about speaking words you dont understand from the Bible. I dont expect you to understand very much of the Bible because the word is revealed through the Holy Spirit and you have yet to recieve the Holy Spirit because you have not accepted the Lord as your personal Savior that is the reason we must reach people through our testimony our own life experiences with Jesus Christ, Brother Vest is right on the money with everthing he has told you and it is apparent that he is living the life he speaks of and is very dedicated to the Lord my hat is off to him that he would work this site to the extent that he has and continues to do so. Brother Vest Thank God For You. My testimony goes far beyond what I have said here tonight and I will be back to share the rest of it with you and may the glory be to God. 
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Danimal let me tell you a story Gary Vest 10/8/2009 2:05:59 PM
Re: Danimal let me tell you a story danimal 10/8/2009 5:18:41 AM