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The place of Obama's birth has still never been pr

This matter is not laid to rest as some would have you believe. This link has much more up to date truths:

Some information from this link is pasted below:

Even IF the document were valid, that document is a "CertificaTION of Live Birth" and is NOT a "CertifiCATE of Live Birth" and therefore is NOT proof of U.S. Citizenship as one may mistakenly think, as Hawaii issued those Live Birth documents even to FOREIGN BORN Hawaiian residents with no proof required and only the statement of one parent was needed. In fact the State of Hawaii does NOT accept that type of document for their State's own Homestead Program! A Certificate is the ORIGINAL Long Form document that lists the Doctor's Names, Hospital, and other important information. Proof below;
Please note that a Hawaiian CertificATION of live birth is NOT a birth CertificATE and is NOT proof of U.S. birth., read; 
(begin quote)
 A.) From Hawaii's official Department of Health, Vital Records
"Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign country" (applies to adopted children). 
 B.) A parent may register an in-state birth in lieu of certification by a hospital of birth under HRS 338-5.
 C.) Hawaiian law expressly provides for registration of out-of-state births under HRS 338-17.8.  A foreign birth presumably would have been recorded by the American consular of the country of birth, and presumably that would be reflected on the Hawaiian birth certificate.
D.) Even the Hawaii Department of Home Lands does not accept a certified copy of a birth certificate as conclusive evidence for its homestead program.  From its
"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL
(end quote)
  Click image on left to see sample of a Real 'Long Form" Hawaiian Birth CertifiCATE
Myth; "The State of Hawaii stated that Obama was born there."
 Actually that is not true, read what was actually stated; on October 31, 2008 the Hawaii Department of Health's Director, Dr. Chiyome Fukino statement was carefully worded as she said “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”
That statement failed to answer the main questions,
 UPDATE: on 6/6/2009 the Stare Bulletin in HI stated "you can't obtain a "certificate of live birth" anymore. The state Department of Health no longer issues copies of paper birth certificates as was done in the past, said spokeswoman Janice Okubo. The department only issues "certifications" of live births, and that is the "official birth certificate" issued by the state of Hawaii, she said. And, it's only available in electronic form.Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001."At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting," she said.Information about births is transferred electronically from hospitals to the department."The electronic record of the birth is what (the Health Department) now keeps on file in order to provide same-day certified copies at our help window for most requests," Okubo said."
 UPDATE: > 7/24/2009 CNN's President Jon Klein was quoted as saying that he asked CNN researchers to dig into the question of why Obama couldn't produce the original birth certificate.  The researchers contacted the Hawaii Health Dept. and confirmed that paper documents were discarded in 2001 when the department went paperless.  That reportedly includes Obama's original birth certificate.
 UPDATE: > I found a post click here, that has emails from Hawaii Records dated Juner 27, 2009, stating that they do keep the original documents still on file, but require a Judges signature to release.
 So it seems the Obama Administration is now trying to cover up the fact or mislead people in to thinking that that Hawaii does have the original documents on file. However, Hawaii now states that they will not release originals without an order from a Judge.  Hopefully Judge Carter will soon issue a subpoena for the documents for the Keyes v. Obama case.
The 5 things the Hawaiian Heath Director Fukino's statement did not answer are;
1) was Obama physically born in Hawaii? because it seems deliberate that this was not answered, and Hawaii allowed registration of FOREIGN births! Really! Need some proof? OK. look at this;
  Click thumbnail image on left for larger image
That is the Hawaiian Birth Certificate for Sun Yat Sen the Father of Modern Communist China! IT IS REAL! Dated March 14, 1904, was issued after Dr. Sun signed a raggedy type-written statement affirming that he was born in Hawaii on Nov. 24, 1870. Sun Yat-sen was born on November 12, 1866, to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan county , Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province (26 km or 16 miles north of Macau), not Hawaii, as this document affirms. I was also published that Maya Soetoro, Obama’s sister has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth too, and she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia.  You can be born anywhere and get a HI COLB.
2) What kind of form is on file there? as if it is a COLB and not a long form birth record then it is a record of a Foreign birth!
3) What hospital was Obama born in? you'd think ObamaManiacs would want to know too, to  erect a monument there, wouldn't that be considered a Historic place? Oddly even the White House will not say which hospital and Kapiolani that stated they had a letter from Obama stating he was born there, but recently removed the letter and scrubbed their site, but they did publish it in their printed newsletter.
and disreputable Snopes also scrambled to change their site and made no mention of edit or reason for edit...
  Click Thumbnail on left for larger image
 UPDATE: Kapiolani Hospital now states the letter is real after they pulled it! However the Obama Administration still refuses to answer the question. Snopes who changed the birth hospital once on their site may now want to change it again...
4) Who was the doctor? wouldn't he be a main figure in part of such a Historical event?
5) Who was listed as the Father? as it is rumored that Family friend and known communist activist Frank Marshal Davis is suspected to be the Father.
 The statement made by the Hawaiian Official failed to answer those questions and failed to resolve any of the questions being raised by litigation and millions of people across the country over the issue of Obama’s birth and qualifications for the office of the President of the United States.
Selective Service Registration,
 There is also evidence that BHO's  Selective Service Registration Form is also a forgery. Failure to register would prove further ineligibility for any job in the Executive Branch of Government and BHO would not even be eligible for a job a the Post Office!
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Posted in reply to: Re: Is Everything Obama does in office invalid? by Gwester843
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