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Re: Diplexer

HD signals for satellite are very tricky. They do not like any interference you lose the signal. You are not supposed to Diplex HD boxes. As far as the people in apartments, they need to realize that they live in an apartment and are not always going to get it the way they want. Most apartments will not allow for new lines to be installed. That is when they need to decied what service they want to give up. Most cable companies have exclusive rights to the apartsments. That is why they lock all of the connections in there boxes. You can be fined for tampering with the cable company box to install the satellite. Tell them to get rid of the Dish if they want cable internet. If they want the Dish tell them to sign up for DSL.

As far as treating it like your house and running lines all over the outside, I would not do that either. If they already have lines ran all over the out side they should have thought about that before they decided not to pay to have the wallfishes done. You get what you pay for. If you are worried about the running the line all over the out side of the house, be smart. Pull the line into the attick by the eave at the drop. Then pull the line back down where you are going to pentrate the exterior wall. Looks cleans and save you from tucking, stapling, nailing, or what other methods you would use.

If you would have ran the line and done the job right the first time. You would have spent less time than havingto go back and redo it and scratching your head as to why it did not work!
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Posted in reply to: Re: Diplexer by salesdawg
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