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Re: how dumb?

Maybe I should be clearer for you. When I said the US meant the USA, not us. referring to the government. We means that I am considered a part of these jackasses that are doing this to our country. If it was me I would have driven him to the gulf and told his ass to swim back. I an not against immigration. I believe that it has to be done the right way. My grand father was a legal immigrant from Italy. I came here to work and make his life better. He learned English and taught all 8 of his kids the same respect for this country that he moved to. He did not teach them to hate the people that have given him the opportunity to be a land owner, a business owner, and have rights. The illegals that are here now are looking for hand outs, do not want to learn or adapt to the American culture. They are bitter to the ones that are paying for their way. It like the old saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." If they hate US (The USA) that much, then why the hell did they come here?
This is posting #271583. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: how dumb? by Gwester843
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: how dumb? LocoDawg 9/21/2009 8:49:30 PM
Re: how dumb? sdelnay 9/21/2009 11:34:38 AM