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The conservative media

O'Reilly: "The conservative media is winning now. They're winning. They're damaging the president of the United States"

1 hour and 13 minutes ago

From the September 16 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

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O'REILLY: You see, you got to get in the realworld. Look, there's a media civil war going on. Colmes did hit on somethingintelligent.

ALAN COLMES: That's amazing you would say that.

O'REILLY: The right wing now -- the right wing ofwhich you are a part, right-wing radio is now going to relentlessly attackObama, using vehicles like ACORN, Jones, whatever radical left thing they canfind. They're going to tie it right around Obama's neck because it's working.

MONICA CROWLEY:Well, and also, I mean, let's face it, Obama is Van Jones. Obama is ACORN --

O'REILLY: Oh, no.

CROWLEY: Hang on --

O'REILLY: Oh, please.

CROWLEY: You guys aredownplaying his ties to ACORN. These ties between Obama and ACORN are deep andlongstanding. It's not just representing them as a lawyer. He partnered withACORN in '92 for his Project Vote organization in Chicago. He also became an ACORN trainer. Inresponse --

COLMES: Not true.

CROWLEY: -- ACORN fanned out forhis campaigns in '96 and 2000 in the state of Illinois --

O'REILLY: No, they let them, absolutely.

CROWLEY: -- and last year aswell. Let's also remember that during the presidential campaign last year, hetold ACORN point blank, you will have, quote, "a seat at the table in myadministration."

O'REILLY: He likes them.

CROWLEY: So let's not downplaythe fact he was very proud of being a community organizer. That was ACORN.

O'REILLY: All of that -- all of that islegitimate, but the bigger -- look, people can make up their own minds at homewhether Obama and ACORN have an association that's worth -- you're smart enoughto do that. But the big story, Colmes, is that the right-wing media, theconservative media in this country, has found a way --

COLMES: Well, let's -- but I think that --

O'REILLY: -- to marginalize --

COLMES: -- all right.

O'REILLY: -- the president of the United States.

COLMES: They need to be called out on that ifit's unfair, if it's not fair to do it.

O'REILLY: Well, what do you mean -- look, fairdoesn't really cut it. It's effective.

COLMES: It was not --

O'REILLY: It's working.

COLMES: I think it's important to point out theother side of the story that Dr. Crowley just mentioned. There -- he was notcommunity organizer for ACORN.

CROWLEY: Of course he was.

COLMES: He was a community organizer --

CROWLEY: Alan, he trained theircommunity organizers.

COLMES: -- he did not -- no --

O'REILLY: Let Colmes get his.

COLMES: That is not -- that is not accurate. Andthat is not accurate according to what has been said.

O'REILLY: I don't know why you care about this.

COLMES: Because I want the truth out there.


COLMES: Let's not unfairly smear somebody --

O'REILLY: The truth will set us all free.


O'REILLY: I'm going to go back to my question,which is a brilliant one, Colmes. And --

COLMES: By your own admission.

O'REILLY: -- try to consider -- try to consider it.The conservative media is winning now. They're winning. They're damaging thepresident of the United States by Jones, by ACORN --

COLMES: Yeah, right.

O'REILLY: -- and there's other stuff coming downthe pike. So you're advising President Obama, Colmes. You like him.


O'REILLY: You think he's a good president and soforth. You tell him to do what? How do you blunt that?

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Re: The conservative media Gwester843 9/17/2009 7:30:19 PM
Re: The conservative media sab3r 9/17/2009 5:52:29 PM